Aug 30, 2023Liked by Patti Bevilacqua Ph.D.

I wait to read your messages on your site! There is always something that speaks to me from what you write! For example, my granddaughter is going into grade seven this year and she has not done well in P.E. throughout her time in elementary school! She is an avid horseback rider, and use to love archery which she won awards in ! Instead of her having a positive time in P.E. she was singled out and to feel she had no abilities in P.E. So much depends on your teacher! That’s why knowing your love of teaching has always played a part in the firm respect I have for you, and the upheaval in your life finding out that you would have to chose to leave the job you excelled in through NO fault of your own! I PRAY MY GRANDDAUGHTER WILL FIND A GREAT P.E. TEACHER AS SHE ENTERS GRADE SEVEN! I pray someone will make her feel SELF WORTH if she does her very best! Perhaps this will help her realize she may not be great, but she can still have fun! Teachers have so much to deal with in schools now a days, but I believe you can tell a great, awesome teacher, compared to the ones that took teaching and later found out they don’t belong in this SPECIAL FIELD! Teaching demands commitment to all kinds of kids to bring out the very best! Each child that comes into your life demands something different from you! You have to have an undying passion for teaching, which you Patti were born to teach, and the strong love of teaching just blossomed in you thanks to your parents, and teachers like Mrs Twa! The think I love is that even though upheaval was to cause you to have to completely change your profession, you grabbed the bull by the horns and are now a shining light in so many lives with your brilliant guidance it what it takes to live a fulfilling life despite shitty breaks that robbed you of what you were amazing in the Teaching Profession! You are now a BRILLIANT LIGHT IN MY LIFE, AND I WOULD RECOMMEND YOUR SITE TO ANYONE WITH OR WITHOUT OTHER ISSUES IN THEIR LIVES! It just picks you up and guides you to find solutions in your life, be it Autoimmunity disease, depression, and all things that seem to disrupt our lives! Each time I read your papers, I learn something about myself that makes my life easier! And each time I reread papers that you wrote some time ago, I learn something new! SO VERY GRATEFUL TO YOU PATTI! KEEP WRITING AND SPEAKING OUT TO HELP PEOPLE! You are teaching me that I can make my life better by offering me such amazing advice! THANK YOU! Love ya!

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